Python as a GIS: Public Tree Densities in Cambridge-Somerville

Tutorial Information

  • Module 6 in Spatial Data Science.


Spatial Analysis



In this workshop, we’ll be using Python’s GeoPandas package to map ‘public’ tree densities in Cambridge and Somerville. This is a fairly straightforward way into spatial analysis using Python, and it has the advantage of being built on top of Pandas, which is a very well-known and well-supported data analysis and manipulation library. There are other ways to do spatial work in Python. In fact, both ArcGIS and QGIS have Python bindings, PyQGIS and ArcPy, respectively!

Indeed, my Very Rigorously Tested (i.e., largely unfounded) theory is that GeoPandas has been relatively slow to arrive because spatial work has long been supported in Python through bindings to the dominant GIS packages. However, given the ascendancy of ‘data science’ as a discipline, discourse, and object of investment (and the concurrent rise of Python as the go-to, can-do language for absolutely everything), it’s useful to not have to leave the comfort of Pandas to work spatially. Furthermore, I (for one) find its ‘way of thinking’ a bit more palatable than PyQGIS or ArcPy, as it is built to behave like Pandas (which is built to behave like R), instead of the Desktop Python bindings (that are built to behave like a Desktop GIS).

Anyway, the point is that today, we’ll be covering how to use GeoPandas to quickly and painlessly write replicable code for spatial analysis in an idiom that is familiar to data analysts (and should be fairly simple for anyone else).

Create a New Virtual Environment

We begin by creating a new virtual environment for our Python spatial work. As a reminder, a virtual environment is a self-contained Python environment, generally built to accommodate a specific project. We use these so that we’re not endlessly installing pacakges into a single bloated environment; instead, we work only with those packages we need.

First, we want to navigate to the folder to which we downloaded the exercise data. In a terminal (macOS/Linux) or command prompt (Windows) window type…

cd path/to/your/data/

Once you’ve changed your working directory, you’ll want to create a new virtual environment using the venv utility, which is a module (hence, -m) of Python.

# Tells python 3 to run the venv module...
# ...and create a new virtual environment...
# our current directory.
python3 -m venv venv/

# On Windows...
python -m venv venv\

We can activate this virtual environment by running the following at the terminal:

# On macOS or Linux...
. venv/bin/activate
# On Windows...
# The next line of your prompt should begin (venv)

Once we’ve activated our virtual environment, any packages we install will be specific to this environment—this is very useful for managing packages on a project-by-project basis. We’re going to install the GeoPandas package, which extends the ever-popular Pandas package. We’ll also make sure that matplotlib and descartes are installed (these packages help us plot, in general, and plot polygons, specifically). We’ll also install rtree which allows for spatial indexing… without getting technical, we can say that spatial indexing makes spatial queries a great deal faster. Finally, we install jupyter, a package which allows us to develop Python code using code blocks within a notebook (a very common way to write code that supports written documentation alongside code chunks).

pip install geopandas matplotlib descartes rtree jupyter

From your terminal, type…

jupter notebook

Click the ‘new’ dropdown on the top right, and select ‘Python 3 (ipykernel)’ to create a new notebook that uses the environment we just built.

Who will Speak for the Trees?

As described above, our goal today is to make a map of tree densities in Cambridge-Somerville by both area of grid cell and land area (excluding water). I’ve provided all the data you’ll need—we begin by importing the public tree datasets from the Cambridge Public Works and the City of Somerville Urban Forestry Division. Note that these are managed by different entities and, as such, we should not make too much of inter-municipal differences in the datasets, as these could simply be artifacts of data collection and classification practices. However, we know that in both cases, they represent trees that are in some way ‘public’, which is to say managed or owned by their respective cities. So this is our universe—‘public’ trees in Cambridge and Somerville.

Importing spatial data looks fairly Pandas-esque! We can use the read_file function to read the Shapefiles I provided and inspect the first few rows using the object’s head method…

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

cambridge_trees = gpd.read_file('data/cambridge_trees.shp')
created modified trunks SiteType
0 2005-09-22 2016-08-12 1 Tree
1 2005-09-22 2016-08-12 1 Tree
2 2005-09-22 2016-08-12 1 Tree
3 2005-09-22 2016-08-12 1 Tree
4 2005-09-22 2016-08-12 1 Tree

GeoPandas provides an interface to matplotlib that allows us to make very quick, simple maps. For example, we can plot the Cambridge trees like so…

cambridge_trees.plot(markersize=0.01, color='green')

We can read the Somerville trees in the same way…

somerville_trees = gpd.read_file('data/somerville_trees.shp')
Address Suffix Street Side
0 34 None NORTH ST Side
1 61 None NORTH ST Side
2 62 None NORTH ST Front
3 68 None NORTH ST Front
4 71 None NORTH ST Side

And plot them in the same way!

somerville_trees.plot(markersize=0.01, color='green')

In each case, we get a huge number of variables… inconveniently, the schemas are quite different! Feel free to consult the documentation for Cambridge or Somerville. However, we know that both datasets represent trees that are in some way ‘public’—managed or owned by the respective municipalities—though this might be defined differently in each case.

For simplicity’s sake, today, let’s remove columns that are not the geometry…

cambridge_trees = cambridge_trees[['geometry']]
somerville_trees = somerville_trees[['geometry']]

We’ll also want to merge the two datasets so that we can analyze the Camberville Urban Forest in one go… but let’s think about this. If we’re going to combine spatial datasets, we’re going to want to make sure that our datasets are in the same coordinate reference system (CRS, or projection to use language that might be more familiar to GIS users). If they are not, we’ll be mixing incommensurable coordinates! We can check on the coordinate reference systems for our data like this… ==

So they match! But we might also want to check the appropriateness of the CRS. We can ascertain in which CRS our data are stored by accessing its .crs property.
<Projected CRS: EPSG:2249>
Name: NAD83 / Massachusetts Mainland (ftUS)
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- X[east]: Easting (US survey foot)
- Y[north]: Northing (US survey foot)
Area of Use:
- name: USA - Massachusetts - SPCS - mainland
- bounds: (-73.5, 41.46, -69.86, 42.89)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: SPCS83 Massachusetts Mainland zone (US Survey feet)
- method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

So we know that our datasets are stored in NAD / Massachusetts Mainland (ftUS), A.K.A. EPSG:2249. As always, for a CRS reference, I recommend that you check out epsg.iothe entry for EPSG:2249 is here. As such, we can append our two GeoDataFrames withour fear. We use the GeoDataFrame’s append method to bind somerville_trees to cambridge_trees and assign it to the new object trees.

trees = pd.concat([cambridge_trees, somerville_trees])
trees.plot(markersize=0.01, color='green')

I belabor the point about projections because GeoPandas does woefully little to keep you on the right track.

Aggregate to Hexagons

In order to analyze tree density, we’re going to aggregate trees to a regular grid. I’ve provided a shapefile that includes regular hexagonal bins. You may remember from a previous workshop that R provides a very tidy means by which to do this: namely the st_make_grid() function of the sf package. GeoPandas is less full-featured. I’ve written unction that will generate a regular rectangular or hexagonal grid over an arbitrary extent given a cell size—this is included at the end of this tutorial. Feel free to use my efforts in your own work! But walking through that function is outside of the scope of this workshop.

You may ask: why hexagons? Good question! Geographers love hexagons. Why do geographers love hexagons? Glad you asked.

Basically, it’s because…

  1. Unlike a square grid, the distance from the center of a hexagon to its edge is approximately constant and
  2. unlike a grid of radial distnaces (circles) cells in an exhaustive grid of hexagons do not overlap.

Expanding on point 1: for a square, $ d_{orthoganal} = d_{diagonal} $, where $ d_{orthogonal} $ is the distance from the center of the square to its edge along an orthoganal angle and $ d_{diagonal} $ is the distance from the center of the square to any given corner. This means that the distance from a grid center to its associated points can vary. A circle would fix this problem, but try making a grid of circles… they’ll overlap if you try to make them exhaustively cover the study area.

So let’s read in our hexagons and aggregate our trees to their extents.

hex_bins = gpd.read_file('data/hex_bins.shp')

Now, this starts to look quite a bit like a normal GIS workflow. We’re going to count points in polygons, which is a combination of a spatial join (to impute the hexagon id to the trees), and a dissolve on the hexagon id. Most GIS platforms do this for you in one step, but GeoPandas (and sf for that matter) will make you do it in a couple of steps.

First we create a new object called tree_count and store the result of a inner spatial join between trees and hex_bins. inner here refers to an inner join, or a join that preserves only tree that meet the spatial criteria—namely that they intersect geometries in the second/right table. The result of this is a table with the tree POINT geometry and the index position of the right table and its id column (in this case, these are the same).

tree_count = gpd.sjoin(trees, hex_bins, how='inner', predicate='intersects')
geometry index_right id
0 POINT (759827.721 2965044.675) 296 296
1 POINT (759787.376 2965047.192) 296 296
2 POINT (759609.651 2965054.781) 296 296
3 POINT (759518.862 2965060.663) 296 296
4 POINT (759463.213 2965064.087) 296 296

This is maybe easier to visualize… let’s map it.

tree_count.plot(column='id', markersize=0.01)

On this map, we can see that each tree has been imputed with the id integer value of the hexagon within which it sits. Now, to count this information, we can dissolve the trees by the hexagon id—this will perform an aggregate statistic on all trees associated with each hexagon id. We simply want to count them, but we could also calculate a range of other summary statistics (mean, median, etc.) but these would be meaningless for an index position.

tree_count = tree_count.dissolve(by='id', aggfunc='count')
geometry index_right
7 MULTIPOINT (755923.238 2976924.853, 755925.242… 57
8 MULTIPOINT (756697.642 2977473.398, 756719.326… 8
28 MULTIPOINT (755500.105 2976294.267, 755500.962… 55
29 MULTIPOINT (755951.344 2976628.684, 755969.723… 54
51 MULTIPOINT (755438.915 2975707.363, 755476.594… 110

We can see that we’ve now calculated the count of trees in in each hexagon cell! Let’s tidy up our table a bit, renaming the index_right column to tree_count, and dropping the geometry column—we’re going to join this count to our original hexagonal data for visualization, so the MULTIPOINT geometries we’ve created for each cell aren’t terribly useful.

tree_count = tree_count.rename({'index_right': 'tree_count'}, axis='columns')
tree_count = tree_count.drop(columns='geometry')
7 57
8 8
28 55
29 54
51 110

We can then use the merge method to merge the hex_bins with the tree_count. We merge on id in both the left and the right table (the hex_bins and the tree_count, respectively). We specify a left join! This retains even those hexagons in which there are no matching rows in the tree_count table (i.e., those hex cells in which there were no trees).

hex_bins = hex_bins.merge(tree_count, left_on='id', right_on='id', how='left')

Samplign the results, we see that, indeed, our hex_bins table now includes the tree_count column. We can also map it, visualizing based on the tree_count column to see our aggregate data.

id geometry tree_count
0 0 POLYGON ((748154.000 2978173.801, 748710.682 2… NaN
1 1 POLYGON ((749267.364 2978173.801, 749824.045 2… NaN
2 2 POLYGON ((750380.727 2978173.801, 750937.409 2… NaN
3 3 POLYGON ((751494.091 2978173.801, 752050.773 2… NaN
4 4 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 753164.136 2… NaN

Accounting for Spatial Heterogeneity

One of the reasons regular grids are appealing is because counts within a regular grid are already, implicitly, a density. The visualization above is giving us counts per cell, yes, but because each cell has the same area, we’re also implicitly seeing a visualization of counts per area. But this can be (and often is!) misleading! Urban space is heterogeneous. Densities of trees are likely to be affected by how much of each give area is open space, how much is included in a campus, and (maybe most obviously) how much of a given hex cell’s area is not land at all, but is instead covered by a water body.

We’ll first satisfy ourselves that our polygons do indeed have the same areas.

hex_bins['area'] = hex_bins.geometry.area
id geometry tree_count area
0 0 POLYGON ((748154.000 2978173.801, 748710.682 2… NaN 1.073507e+06
1 1 POLYGON ((749267.364 2978173.801, 749824.045 2… NaN 1.073507e+06
2 2 POLYGON ((750380.727 2978173.801, 750937.409 2… NaN 1.073507e+06
3 3 POLYGON ((751494.091 2978173.801, 752050.773 2… NaN 1.073507e+06
4 4 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 753164.136 2… NaN 1.073507e+06

Indeed. Each cell has an area of 1.073507e+06 square feet. We know the units because the units are going to match the unit of our data layer’s projection (in this case US feet). This means we can also convert to square miles trivially, using a conversion factor. One square mile equals 2.788e+7 square feet, so…

hex_bins['area_sqmi'] = hex_bins.area / 2.788e+7
id geometry tree_count area area_sqmi
0 0 POLYGON ((748154.000 2978173.801, 748710.682 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505
1 1 POLYGON ((749267.364 2978173.801, 749824.045 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505
2 2 POLYGON ((750380.727 2978173.801, 750937.409 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505
3 3 POLYGON ((751494.091 2978173.801, 752050.773 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505
4 4 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 753164.136 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505

But not all of this area is land area. Let’s account for this using water geometries pulled from the U.S. Census! (This is the 2019 TIGER/Line Water Shapefile for both Suffolk and Middlesex counties.) We read and plot it, as we’ve been doing, while layering it on top of the hex_bins.

water = gpd.read_file('data/water.shp')
hex_map = hex_bins.plot(column='tree_count')
water.plot(ax=hex_map, color='red')

Aha! Looks like we have a projection issue. Examining our projections, we see that they do not match; the water layer is presented in EPSG:4326 (WGS84).

epsg:2249 epsg:4326

We can reproject the water trivially using the to_crs method; furthermore, we can put some controls on the process by simply reading the crs directly from hex_bins.

water = water.to_crs(
hex_map = hex_bins.plot(column='tree_count')
water.plot(ax=hex_map, color='red')

Better! Out water bodies now overlap with our hexagons… we’ll next need to perform a geometric intersection to determine how much of each hexagon is within a water body. Such an intersection is one of several overlay operations supported by GeoPandas. Mapping the result, we see that our results are a polygon feature set that includes only those areas that overlapped between the hex grid cells and the water features.

hex_bins_water = gpd.overlay(hex_bins, water, how='intersection')
0 4 NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 None 1105590176101 None H2030 0 135377 +42.4145431 -71.1324976 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 752670.164 2…
1 5 NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 None 1105590176101 None H2030 0 135377 +42.4145431 -71.1324976 POLYGON ((753333.348 2977111.905, 753164.136 2…
2 7 57.0 1.073507e+06 0.038505 None 1105590176101 None H2030 0 135377 +42.4145431 -71.1324976 POLYGON ((756504.227 2977570.710, 756504.227 2…
3 8 8.0 1.073507e+06 0.038505 None 1105590176101 None H2030 0 135377 +42.4145431 -71.1324976 POLYGON ((756504.227 2977486.531, 756504.227 2…
4 26 NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 None 1105590176101 None H2030 0 135377 +42.4145431 -71.1324976 POLYGON ((753164.136 2977209.600, 753333.348 2…

We also have all attributes from both tables. This is excessive! All we really need are the hexagon id (id) and the intersected hexagon-hydrology geometry (geometry). Our tree counts and hexagon areas are stored on the original hex_bins object, so we can drop them. The areas depicted here also no longer correspond to the polygons to which they’re tied, which might be somewhat confusing! For our sanity, let’s cull our fields.

hex_bins_water = hex_bins_water.loc[:,['id', 'geometry']]

We can now calculate the area for these intersected polygons in the same manner as above…

hex_bins_water['water_area'] = hex_bins_water.geometry.area
hex_bins_water['water_area'] = hex_bins_water.area

And dissolve in the same manner as above… except here we’re summing the area, rather than counting. To test your own understanding: what would counting give us a count of?

hex_bins_water = hex_bins_water.dissolve(by='id', aggfunc='sum')
geometry water_area
4 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 752670.164 2… 111090.885902
5 POLYGON ((753333.348 2977111.905, 753164.136 2… 11486.988249
7 POLYGON ((756504.227 2977570.710, 756504.227 2… 104026.764360
8 POLYGON ((756504.227 2977486.531, 756504.227 2… 94817.529307
9 POLYGON ((758730.955 2977621.302, 758730.955 2… 159173.524828

Let’s now drop the geometry and merge the table with our hex_bins!

hex_bins_water = hex_bins_water.drop(columns='geometry')
hex_bins = hex_bins.merge(hex_bins_water, left_on='id', right_on='id', how='left')
id geometry tree_count area area_sqmi water_area
0 0 POLYGON ((748154.000 2978173.801, 748710.682 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 NaN
1 1 POLYGON ((749267.364 2978173.801, 749824.045 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 NaN
2 2 POLYGON ((750380.727 2978173.801, 750937.409 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 NaN
3 3 POLYGON ((751494.091 2978173.801, 752050.773 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 NaN
4 4 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 753164.136 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 111090.885902

Examining the resulting table, we can see that many of our cells have no area that includes water. Earlier, for our tree count, we left these as NaN because the preponderance of them were outside the ‘study area’, which means that they are truly missing values, not zero measurements. These things are conceptually different! But in the case of the water_area, we know that these are truly zeros (or as ‘truly’ as is permitted by our data set).

Furthermore, this is going to cause some practical problems! Let’s try to calculate our land area by subtracting the water_area from the area.

hex_bins['land_area'] = hex_bins.area - hex_bins.water_area

In cases where water_area is NaN, the land_area is also NaN! Meaning that cells with 100% land area appear to be unmeasured. As such, let’s replace NaN values with zeroes in the water_area column.

values = {'water_area': 0}
hex_bins = hex_bins.fillna(value=values)
id geometry tree_count area area_sqmi water_area land_area
0 0 POLYGON ((748154.000 2978173.801, 748710.682 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 0.000000 NaN
1 1 POLYGON ((749267.364 2978173.801, 749824.045 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 0.000000 NaN
2 2 POLYGON ((750380.727 2978173.801, 750937.409 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 0.000000 NaN
3 3 POLYGON ((751494.091 2978173.801, 752050.773 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 0.000000 NaN
4 4 POLYGON ((752607.455 2978173.801, 753164.136 2… NaN 1.073507e+06 0.038505 111090.885902 962415.660234

Recalculating our land area, we now see results that make more sense…

hex_bins['land_area'] = hex_bins.area - hex_bins.water_area

We can now calculate the number of trees per land area!

hex_bins['land_area_sqmi'] = hex_bins.land_area / 2.788e+7
hex_bins['trees_p_sqft'] = hex_bins['tree_count'] / hex_bins['land_area']
hex_bins['trees_p_sqmi'] = hex_bins['tree_count'] / hex_bins['land_area_sqmi']

Wrapping Up…

Now that we’ve performed this (replicable, self-documenting!-ish) procedure, we can export our GeoDataframe as a Shapefile or a GeoJSON for use in a Desktop GIS, a web map, or any other purpose you can think of. This is a simple matter of writing…

hex_bins.to_file('trees_p_area.geojson', driver='GeoJSON')
hex_bins.to_file('trees_p_area.gpkg', driver='GPKG')

Appendix: Generating the Hex…

As I pointed out above, the spatial ecosystem for Python is much less well-developed than the ecosystem for R. GeoPandas, while promising, does not have all of the functionality found in, say, R’s sf package. One of the functions that sf provides that is frustratingly absent in GeoPandas is the ability to automatically generate a hexagonal or square grid over an area. But, not to fear! This is such a common task that I’ve put together a function that you can use to generate regular square and hexagonal grids. It accepts a GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries whose extent will be the extent of the grid; a cell size (in the units of the Geo* object’s CRS); and a buffer value, measured as a proportion of the total width and height dimensions. This function is based on code by Navaneeth Mohan, though I’ve extended it and corrected some of their errors.

To generate the hexagon grid and export it for the above exercise, I simply ran…

hex_bins = make_grid(geo = trees, size = 1320, hexagon = True, buffer = 0)
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from matplotlib.patches import RegularPolygon
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, box

def make_grid(geo, size, hexagon=False, buffer=False):
    # Diameter of each hexagon
    d = size
    if hexagon:
        # Horizontal width of each hexagon
        w = d * np.sin(np.pi/3)
        w = size
    bbox = geo.total_bounds
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox
    xmin = int(np.floor(xmin))
    xmax = int(np.ceil(xmax))
    ymin = int(np.floor(ymin))
    ymax = int(np.ceil(ymax))
    tot_width = xmax - xmin
    tot_height = ymax - ymin
    if buffer:
        xmin = int(np.floor(xmin - (buffer * 0.5 * tot_width)))
        ymin = int(np.floor(ymin - (buffer * 0.5 * tot_height)))
        xmax = int(np.floor(xmax + (buffer * 0.5 * tot_width)))
        ymax = int(np.floor(ymax + (buffer * 0.5 * tot_height)))
        tot_width = xmax - xmin
        tot_height = ymax - ymin
    if hexagon:
        # Number of cells (hexagons) per row
        n_cols = int(np.ceil(tot_width / w))
        # Number of cells per row.
        n_cols = int(np.ceil(tot_width / d))
    # Number of cells per column.
    n_rows = int(np.ceil(tot_height / (d * 0.75)))
    print(d, w)
    grid = []
    w = tot_width / n_cols
    if hexagon:
        d = w / np.sin(np.pi/3)
        for row in range(0, n_rows):
            for col in range (0, n_cols):
                x = xmin + (col * w)
                if (row % 2) == 1:
                    x = x + w / 2
                y = ymax - (row * d * 0.75)
                hexpoly = RegularPolygon((x,y), numVertices=6, radius=d/2)
                trans = hexpoly.get_patch_transform()
                verts = hexpoly.get_path().vertices
                points = trans.transform(verts)
        h = tot_height / n_rows
        for row in range(0, n_rows):
            for col in range(0, n_cols):
                x = xmin + (col * w)
                y = ymax - (row * h)
                grid.append(box(x, y-w, x+w, y))
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': grid},
    gdf['id'] = gdf.index
