11.520 | Fall (H2) 2022

GIS Workshop

Department of Urban Studies and Planning , Massachusetts Institute of Technology


M W 2:30-4:00 (Lecture)
Undergrad | Graduate
2-2-2 Units


Spatial Analysis, Geocoding, Routing, Mapping, Cartography, GIS



Introduction to Spatial Analysis (11.205) and GIS Workshop (11.520) are modular courses which together make up the Introduction to GIS series. GIS Workshop (11.520) focuses on developing a research project using GIS, and introduces additional methods that are frequently used by planners. We encourage even those students with a GIS background to take 11.520, as it is tailored to GIS applications within planning and design. It’s also a great venue in which to test out projects that may turn into theses (or other investigative projects!) Specifically, students will learn to…